Balance School & Personal Life: Time Management Tips

There are many challenges in a student’s life be it maintaining academic performance, time management, balancing personal & school life, etc. Students must adapt the skill of facing challenges and look out for their solutions. Challenges and struggles will be there throughout the life in some or other form, you just need to develop a skill of handling them well. The most common challenge that students often face is “Time Management” and they often ask “how to balance between school and personal life”.

Through this guide, we’ll be covering the topic how to balance between school and personal life and provide some time management tips for students which will increase their academic productivity and helps them in personal life as well.

Importance of Time Management

Time management is everything. A person who does not know how to manage his or her time or a person who does not understand the significance of time cannot succeed upto his true potential. You have to manage your time well in order to unlock your full potential. Some of the benefits of time management are listed below:

  • Time management helps students to stay on top of their academic workload
  • it reduces stress and anxiety
  • you will have enough time for your hobbies, extracurricular, personal things, etc
  • self discipline comes with time management
  • helps you maintain a healthy work life balance

Top 10 Time Management Tips for Students

Hare are a few time management tips specially for students, we advise all students to start implementing these type in your life and see what good changes it bring for you.

Set Your Goals

First, make sure to have an academic or personal goals. Setting up goals is the first thing, you must know what you’re aiming for or what’s your end goal is. Your goals could be academic success or higher grades, etc.

Make a Work Plan

Start making a detailed work plan depending on your goal. Focus on creating a clear roadmap for achieving your goals. A well made work plan keeps you focused and motivated throughout a year.

Set Work Priorities

For effective time management, you must identify and prioritise the important tasks. Give preference to important tasks, there is no point in spending hours on things which are not even important. We often waste a lot of time in doing stuff which is not adding any value, so make sure to identify the important work and prioritize it.

Break Up Big Tasks

You may often feel overwhelmed with big tasks, we advise you to break down big tasks into smaller assignments and then start accomplishing those smaller assignments one by one to finally accomplish the big task. Make big workload manageable and less intimidating by breaking it into small tasks.

Remove Distractions

To improve focus and productivity while studying or working on assignments, you must say NO to all the distractions. Study time should be the study time only and nothing else. Turn off your phone notifications and find a quite place to study.

Have Breaks in Between

Make sure to have little breaks in between to rest, relax, and re-energize. During breaks, you can enjoy your favourite music, eat, go out on a walk, have a talk with friends or family. Too much of anything is not healthy, this is why make sure to have small breaks in between to keep things going.

Maintain Checklist

Maintain a checklist to ensure all tasks are completed on time. Using a checklist is one of the ways to stay organized and achieve your academic goals efficiently.

How to Balance Between School and Personal Life?

This is the most common question that students ask. We all have been through this phase of life where we struggled to balance between personal and school life. The solution is quite simple, let’s dive into this step and understand what a student can do to balance between school and personal life.

Be Organized

In order to stay organized, you must know how to manage your time well. We have already shared some time management tips above for your help. Have a plan for everything be it your academics or personal life. A good schedule is the one where you have time for academics, hobbies, extracurricular, enjoyment, etc.

Talk with Family or Friends

If you are struggling with something then let your family or friends know about it. They have been through this phase and they will surely guide for better. Do not shy away from seeking support from your friends or family.

Manage Your Expectations

Be kind to yourself and manage your expectations. Setting super high expectation will take a toll on your mind and body. Have realistic expectations and work accordingly.

Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Health is everything, a happy body and mind gives you strength to face problems with ease. Make sure to have some sort of workout routine, eat healthy, exercise daily, meditate, and get proper sleep.

Don’t Procrastinate

Procrastinate is often the cause of many problems that a student face. Do not Procrastinate! Procrastination is something that will be a huge problem in future if you don’t fix it today. Be a person who is committed to perform tasks on time without any delays.


We hope these tips and information helps you in becoming a better version of yourself. As a student, if you are facing any issues then do let us know through the comment section. This website is created to provide you school calendars and help you in getting organized and efficient.

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