Fitness Tips for Students – Guide to Healthy Living

We’ve already shared a separate guide on “Healthy Eating Tips for Students” and through this post we’ll be discussing some fitness tips for students. A fit body and mind are the key to living a well balanced healthy life. We often associate Fitness with losing weight or chiselled abs or big biceps. A fit person is the one who is able to execute daily activities with optimal performance, endurance, and strength with the management of disease, fatigue, and stress. The life of a student is often hectic and stressful because there are so many things to take care of be it academics, social life, personal life, etc.

The schedule of students is often busy because there are classes, assignments, and socializing. As a student, we often overlook personal health and well being. Do not commit a mistake of not taking care of your health and fitness. A student must engage in some sort of physical activity to keep body and mind healthy. Good fitness has positive impacts on academic performance and improved mental health.

Fitness Tips for Students


The basic tip for fitness is to exercise at least 4 to 5 days a week. You can join a gym or yoga class or start off at your home with basic exercises. If you are a beginner, then start basic exercises at home i.e. running, pull ups, pushups, lift some light weights. Do some basic stretching.

Active Commute

If your school is nearby then consider walking or cycling to school instead of driving or taking the bus. Walking is a great physical activity, good for your body and mind. A person should walk at least 5000 steps a day.

Plan Outdoor Activities

The best way to have some fun with friends is to plan outdoor activity. Planning outdoor activity is way more engaging and fun then eating at a restaurant. You can plan hiking, cycling, or play some sport, etc. Pack a healthy picnic and make a day out of it!

Join a Sports Team or Club

Joining a sports club or team is one way to stay active and fit. A student must engage in some sort of sports, find a sports that excites you and start playing it. Sports bring discipline, commitment, and focus in your life. It teaches the value of working as a time. Not only as a student, you should play sport for as long as you can because it’s the most effective way to stay fit and healthy.

Eat a balanced and healthy diet

Give importance to what you eat. Refrain from eating unhealthy food or snacks. They say “you are what you eat”, so eat only healthy foods. We have already shared some “eating tips for students” in our previous guide.

The biggest healthy eating tip is to replace all your unhealthy snacks with healthy ones sich as mixed nuts, yogurt, fruits, granola, boiled eggs, etc.

Get enough sleep

We often neglect the importance of rest and sleep. A human body needs good sleep for recovery and muscle building. Make sure to get a good sleep for the efficient functioning of your body and mind. Eight to ten hours of sleep is advisable for late teens (14-17 years old) and seven to nine for 18-64 year olds. Good sleep boost up recovery and keeps you more active.

Why is fitness important for students?

Fitness is important for everyone. There are numerous benefits of fitness, a fit person enjoys life more. Make the most out of your life by keeping yourself fit and healthy. Some of the fitness benefits are shared below:

Reduced Stress: Exercising regularly can help reduce stress hormone levels. Start exercising daily and you will see brilliant changes in your body and mind. you will feel more energized, more focused, and your stress levels will be reduced.

Good Sleep: A good sleep is essential for efficient functioning of your body and mind. Exercise can improve your sleep quality.

Improved Metal Health: Exercise is the best mood elevator. A physically fit person can handles the pressure of exams, deadlines, etc more efficiently.

Weight Management: Unhealthy food choices often leads to unhealthy weight. Exercise regularly to keep your weight in a healthy range.


Students must give attention to their health and fitness. A healthy body and mind performs more efficiently than unhealthy ones. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is no rocket science. All you need to do is keep your eating habits in check and exercise at least 4 to 5 days a week. Parents and teachers must help students in maintaning a healthy lifestyle.

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