Educational Classroom Activities for Students

Classroom games and activities aren’t only for fun, but they can be productive and a great learning experiences for students. Fun and engaging activities in classroom builds good relationship among students and teachers. A classroom cannot be boring, as a teacher you must ensure to make your class more engaging and interesting. Fun and productive games or activities ideas are much needed to take the boredom out of a class and teach students a valuable lesson while having the most fun. A positive and happy environment should be there in a classroom for the well being of students.

Different type of Productive & Fun ClassRoom Activities

Different type of fun and engaging activities can be done in a classroom to make learning more effective and interesting. Let’s have a look at some of the games or activities for students in the classroom that are fun and productive at the same time.

1.Simon Says

This activity is specially designed to increase the concentration power among students. The game is pretty simple, students are required to take commands from teacher and act accordingly.

For example, if a teacher commands, “Simon says, stand up”, the whole class should stand up and if the teacher says “sit down”, the whole class should sit down and anyone who does not do it loses the game.

This is a fun activity that increases the attention, concentration and listening power among students.

Buzzer Games

    Asking direct questions to students from a lesson is a traditional method to see how much a student has learned in a previous class.

    The modern or more fun approach would be to use a Buzzer.

    As a teacher, you need to first create a set of questions from the lesson and provide a buzzer to students. If not buzzer, then ask them to raise their hand with a certain sound. This activity is designed to analyze how much students have learned and how attentive they were during the class.

    Find the object or image

      This activity tests how observant students are and how are their research skills. The activity is simple, provide a list of objects or images in the classroom or corridoor and ask students to find them. To make it more challenging, you may include a timer of two or three minutes.

      You can even create different teams and see how well students work in a team.

      Finish the sentence

        This is a very common yet effective activity, mostly used to test the memorization and concentration skills of students. Quite simple activity, the first half of a sentence is written on a board and students have to write down the second half.

        Example: I’m going on a vacation with my ____

        Students are required to fill the blank space with correct information such as I’m going on a vacation with my family and dog.

        Crazy Train

          This a funny activity for elementary level students. In this activity, team of 10 or 12 students is made and they are asked to line up like a train.

          And, teacher gives them commands i.e move forward, slow down, move fast, move backward, turn right, etc. Kids respond as per the teacher’s command. This activity increasing the listening power of students, their concentration power, and their ability to respond as per commands.

          Benefits of classroom games

          There are many benefits of classroom games, the whole idea of classroom games is to remove the boredom and make education more engaging and interesting. Here are some of the benefits of classroom games or activities.

          • help students connect with each other
          • helps students to connect with their teachers
          • create a comfortable and welcoming learning environment
          • students get to know the importance of team work and team spirit
          • it helps students to adjust to school
          • offline games are important for physical, mental, and emotional well being of students.

          So, there are some of the benefits. Teachers must allow some fun and engaging educational games to make their classroom more engaging.


          Boredom or sleepyness often comes in a classroom specially in the afteroom sessioins, this is a perfect time to bring some fun or interesting activities to engage students and let them have some fun while still learning the important lesson.

          Students must feel comfortable in a classroom for good learning experiences. The whole idea behind classroom games or activities is to make education more interesting. There are many innovative ideas out there which engage students more while having fun. Teachers must understand the importance of games or activities from time to time to keep their classroom more productive and fun.

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